Sunday, May 10, 2009

Gold Trading Fundamentals

South Africa is the world's largest producer of gold, accounting for about 16 percent of annual world gold production, followed by the United States (12 percent), Australia (11 percent) and China (7 percent). In the United States, Nevada is the top gold producing state, followed by Alaska and California.

According to the National Mining Association, mined gold supply is dwarfed by the growing global gold demand. The best estimates indicate that the global market buys almost 5,000 metric tons of gold each year. Global gold demand exceeds global gold supply by approximately 60 percent annually, creating an ongoing structural shortage situation.

Although gold is “consumed” for various purposes, it is claimed that virtually all of the gold mined throughout history still exists today in one form or another. Gold jewelry, for example, is considered to be a store of value and an important way to hold gold. Whenever gold prices get high enough, gold recovery from scrap or from relatively minor uses such as electronic equipment keeps gold supplies from “disappearing.”

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